Hello, Enterpretters!

July has been a whirlwind of activity here at Enterpret HQ. We've been focused on bringing you new features that aren't just better but exceptional. Let’s take a journey through the wonders of July together!

🔄 Unified Quantify & Compare for a more seamless user experience

No more juggling between two interfaces. We've merged Quantify and Compare to present a fluid, unified experience:

  • Simplified Workflow: Shift seamlessly between analyzing and comparing without the need to switch pages.
  • Direct Comparisons in Quantify: One-click access to comparisons using criteria or timelines, making your feedback journey quicker and more intuitive.
  • Streamlined Interface: The enhanced UI presents analysis and comparison in one consolidated view.

🔍 Enhanced Search and Subscription

Enterpret's Search has evolved, and it's more powerful than ever:

  • Comprehensive Reports: Alongside the detailed feedback summaries, get a taste of actual user quotes for better context.
  • Farewell, Feedback Streams: We've deprecated feedback streams to make way for greater efficiency. But don’t fret! Your older feedback stream subscriptions are now seamlessly transitioned into Daily Reports.

🌾 Enterpret x Grain for deeper insights, quicker

Your feedback arsenal just got mightier. Here’s what integrating Grain brings to your table:

  • Amplify Customer Voices: With Grain integration, dive into verbatim from customers, grasping their needs and concerns directly.
  • Feedback Summarization: Once we’ve ingested your Grain feedback, it’s instantly summarized. Plus, with our evolving taxonomy, rest assured that every feedback piece finds its right tag.
  • Simplified Integration: Setting up Grain is straightforward, ensuring you focus more on the feedback and less on the setup.

🎛️ Customizable Dashboards and other enhancements

This July, our dashboard underwent some transformative changes:

  • Ultimate Customization: Adjust widget sizes or reposition them according to your taste. It's your workspace; make it truly yours!
  • Direct Analysis Additions: That handy '+' icon lets you inject new analyses directly into your dashboard.
  • Transparent Filtering: The new filter icon keeps you informed about active dashboard filters, eliminating any guesswork.
  • Navigation Made Easy: We've introduced a breadcrumb trail, ensuring you can effortlessly switch between dashboards and Quantify.

🎖️ More noteworthy enhancements:

  • Effortless Invites: Invite your colleagues with a simple link, making onboarding smoother.
  • Co-occurring Insights Refined: Understand interconnected feedback topics better. And with the chain-link icon, know exactly when feedback topics intertwine.

July has been exhilarating! We hope these enhancements enrich your experience. As always, your feedback fuels our progress, and we're eager to hear your thoughts.

Cheers to deeper insights and better feedback analysis!

Team Enterpret! 🎉