How The Browser Company reimagines the internet and closes the loop with Enterpret

Tiffany Go
Head of Product Marketing
June 26, 2024

Since launching in April 2022, The Browser Company has delighted users by reimagining the internet experience with its modern browser, Arc. Most recently, The Browser Company launched Arc for Windows, the first Windows app built in Swift đŸ€Ż, bridging the gap between Apple and Microsoft ecosystems (more on the launch later!).

We had the pleasure of chatting with some folks from The Browser Company to learn how they use feedback to build Arc:

The Membership team ensures member needs are reflected in Arc through user research, issue prevention, and product mastery (help center, tutorials, and member updates).

The Challenge: Overwhelming Feedback Volume Hinders Closing the Loop

Adena explained the importance of closing the loop at The Browser Company: "Our users provide so many valuable insights; people share their hearts with us and want to know we’re considering their feedback. Our team aims to convey we’re looking at their feedback and that it goes somewhere meaningful by closing the loop.”

In early 2023, as The Browser Company rapidly grew its members, the small (but mighty) Membership team faced an overwhelming volume of feedback and support requests that made closing the loop increasingly difficult:

  • Difficulties analyzing qualitative feedback quantitatively
  • Struggles with surfacing and identifying trends in a sea of feedback
  • Hurdles in scaling follow-up with members

The Solution: Enterpret Connects Quantitative and Qualitative Feedback for The Browser Company

Adena didn't think there was one solution to these problems until a friend suggested she look into Enterpret. She shared, “Enterpret’s interface was the best I'd seen for analyzing qualitative feedback in a quantitative way. I thought we'd have to choose one or the other, but Enterpret combines the two seamlessly.“

Today, The Browser Company is using Enterpret to:

Drive Rapid Improvements through Insights

Having easy access to customer insights are critical for providing excellent user experiences. JM creates weekly Member Pulse Reports (here’s her Arc Template for reporting 😀) to ensure every team has easy access to insights. “Enterpret helps integrate insights into feature work by providing automated alerts and reports teams use as a weathervane for ongoing improvements. For example, Jasdev, an engineer on the team, identified a common request for a Password Reset feature shared in the Member Pulse report and quickly implemented the fix.”

Identifying the Unknown Unknowns

"Enterpret anomaly detection helps surface trends people aren’t actively looking for and don’t know to look for. These feedback trends are critical for influencing product decisions." says Adena. For example, this happened recently with Arc members wanting to change emails post-graduation. “No one at our company realized graduation season would impact Arc. Enterpret helped us spot a trend where graduating students want to transition off student emails, which we wouldn’t have known to look for.”

Holistic and Streamlined Research

JM notes, “Enterpret corroborates my findings and offers a holistic picture of our current members' feelings during exploratory research. Enterpret helps me know what to say no to and exposes insights we already have. I can target questions we can't answer with existing information. We've saved time for two teams on redundant research by providing insights on feature health, which revealed that further design iteration was unnecessary.”

Closing the Loop

The team uses Enterpret to see who requested certain features in the past to close the loop with members. Adena describes, “At The Browser Company, closing the loop is critical to providing the ideal member experience. Using Enterpret, I can grab the people who requested a feature or fix and then send a bulk message that their feedback has been implemented.”

The Impact: Closing the Loop and Driving Exceptional Experiences for Members with Enterpret

Integrating Enterpret into The Browser Company’s workflow has been transformative for listening to feedback and closing the loop. Adena shares, “We lean on Enterpret to capture the bulk of problems from the public product. Enterpret is our first stop for understanding trends and taking action on feedback.”

Faster Performance Issue Identification and Resolution

Enterpret is putting a wide lens on member-reported performance issues in Arc. Callan explains, “I can quickly compare the reports of specific issues like high RAM and CPU usage from version to version. This tells me whether or not I need to dive deeper into a potential spike in reports. Enterpret allows me to dive in directly from my dashboard and create queries to identify the reports related to whatever performance issue seems to have spiked. This means I can get engineers looking into bugs faster and ship fixes to members sooner!”

Here’s a visual of the impact Enterpret has on performance and user satisfaction:

Driving Member Retention

Optimizing new member experiences is mission-critical and requires identifying and digging into trends across mobile and desktop. JM describes, "Enterpret helped us identify a critical factor contributing to a drop in day-one retention on our mobile app. This insight was pivotal in addressing the issue and improving our retention rates.”

The Windows Launch: Closing the Loop with Feedback-Driven Product Improvements

Enterpret played a crucial role in the launch of Arc for Windows. “When we launched Arc for Windows, Enterpret was invaluable in ensuring a smoother rollout for Windows users. It helped us monitor app stability and identify unexpected feedback spikes, allowing us to respond quickly and improve the user experience.” Adena recalls

Mark, the Product Support Lead for Arc Windows, shares, “During the Windows beta period, I used Enterpret to see top feature requests from our Windows Members, which helped me make a strong case to the product team for which features we should be prioritized. The biggest win was getting feature requests actioned by the team quickly. I could easily point to a visualization from Enterpret showing which feature requests were the most popular. Without Enterpret, it would have taken me a good chunk of time to gather all the data from separate sources, crunch the numbers, and get a decent visual to help make my case; with Enterpret, all those tools were right at my fingertips.”

Next up for The Browser Company

The Browser Company has big goals, more cutting-edge launches, and exciting projects in the pipeline. The team plans to use Enterpret to get detailed insights in these key areas:

  • Optimize new user experiences to make Arc more accessible and valuable to a broader audience
  • Deliver on their ongoing commitment to performance and stability to make Arc the most performant browser in the market

Working with Adena, JM, Callan, Mark, and the entire team at The Browser Company has been crucial in developing and shaping Enterpret. We deeply appreciate working with a team dedicated to building a product with its members. As The Browser Company continues to disrupt and push boundaries in the browser industry, we are thrilled to be alongside them, providing support every step of the journey!

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Wisdom saves me hours every week. With 'Summarize with Wisdom,' I can condense feedback with a single click, replacing the tedious process of reading through hundreds of tickets. It’s life-changing!
Jil McKinney
Director of Customer Support, Descript
Before Enterpret, organizing research data took an entire day. Now, research synthesis is 83% faster - it takes just 15 minutes to pull the data and another 15 minutes to start synthesizing. Enterpret removes the manual work, allowing me to focus on strategic thinking with a clear mind.
Mike McNasby
User Research Lead, Descript
We are laser-focused on giving customers more than they expect through a hospitality-first, individualized approach to drive retention and loyalty. Enterpret has allowed us to stitch together a full picture of the customer, including feedback and reviews from multiple data points. We now can super-serve our loyal customers in a way that we have never been able to before.
Anna Esrov
Vice President of Customer Experience & Loyalty
Enterpret allowed us to listen to specific issues and come closer to our Members - prioritizing feedback which needed immediate attention, when it came to monitoring reception of new releases: Enterpret picked up insights for new updates and became the eyes of whether new systems and functionality were working well or not.
Louise Sellars
Analyst, Customer Insights
Enterpret is one of the most powerful tools in our toolkit. It's very Member-friendly. We've been able to share how other teams can modify and self-serve in Enterpret. It's bridged a gap to getting access to Member feedback, and I see all our teams finding ways to use Enterpret to answer Member-related questions.
Dina Mohammad-Laity
VP of Data
The big win-win is our VoC program enabled us to leverage our engineering resources to ship significantly awesome and valuable features while minimizing bug fixes and" keep the lights on" work. Magnifying and focusing on the 20% that causes the impact is like finding the needle in a haystack, especially when you have issues coming from all over the place
Abishek Viswanathan
Since launching our Voice of Customer program six months ago, our team has dropped our human inquiry rate by over 40%, improved customer satisfaction, and enabled our team to allocate resources to building features that increase LTV and revenue.
Abishek Viswanathan
Enterpret's Gong Integration is a game changer on so many levels. The automated labeling of feedback saves dozens of hours per week. This is essential in creating a customer feedback database for analytics.
Michael Bartimer
Revenue Operations Lead
Enterpret has made it so much easier to understand our customer feedback. Every month I put together a Voice of Customer report on feedback trends. Before Enterpret it would take me two weeks - with Enterpret I can get it done in 3 days.
Maya Bakir
Product Operations, Notion
The Enterpret platform is like the hero team of data analysts you always wanted - the ability to consolidate customer feedback from diverse touch points and identify both ongoing and emerging trends to ensure we focus on and build the right things has been amazing. We love the tools and support to help us train the results to our unique business and users and the Enterpret team is outstanding in every way.
Larisa Sheckler
COO, Samsung Food
Enterpret makes it easy to understand and prioritize the most important feedback themes. Having data organized in one place, make it easy to dig into the associated feedback to deeply understand the voice of customer so we can delight users, solve issues, and deliver on the most important requests.
Lauren Cunningham
Head of Support and Ops
With Enterpret powering Voice of Customer we're democratizing feedback and making it accessible for everyone across product, customer success, marketing, and leadership to provide evidence and add credibility to their strategies and roadmaps.
Michael Nguyen
Head of Research Ops and Insights, Figma
Boll & Branch takes pride in being a data driven company and Enterpret is helping us unlock an entirely new source of data. Enterpret quantifies our qualitative data while still keeping customer voice just a click away, adding valuable context and helping us get a more complete view of our customers.
Matheson Kuo
Senior Product Analyst, Boll & Branch
Enterpret has transformed our ability to use feedback to prioritize customers and drive product innovation. By using Enterpret to centralize our data, it saves us time, eliminates manual tagging, and boosts accuracy. We now gain near real-time insights, measure product success, and easily merge feedback categories. Enterpret's generative AI technology has streamlined our processes, improved decision-making, and elevated customer satisfaction
Nathan Yoon
Business Operations,
Enterpret helps us have a holistic view from our social media coverage, to our support tickets, to every single interaction that we're plugging into it. Beyond just keywords, we can actually understand: what are the broader sentiments? What are our users saying?
Emma Auscher
Global VP of Customer Experience, Notion
The advantage of Enterpret is that we’re not relying entirely on human categorization. Enterpret is like a second brain that is looking out for themes and trends that I might not be thinking about.
Misty Smith
Head of Product Operations, Notion
As a PM, I want to prioritize work that benefits as many of our customers as possible. It can be too easy to prioritize based on the loudest customer or the flavor of the moment. Because Enterpret is able to compress information across all of our qualitative feedback sources, I can make decisions that are more likely to result in positive outcomes for the customer and our business.
Duncan Stewart
Product Manager
We use Enterpret for our VoC & Root Cause Elimination Program. It's helping us solve the issues of aggregating disparate sources of feedback (often tens of thousands per month) and distilling it into specific reasons, with trends, so we can see if our product fixes are delivering impact.
Nathan Yoon
Business Operations,