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Automatically analyze your customer feedback to make product decisions confidently.
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October 2024

Week of October 7th 2024

Updated Dashboard filters to be more intuitive

We’ve made the Dashboard filter experience smarter and more intuitive.

  • Separate Filters: Dashboard and Quantify/Feed filters now have their own space. Manage them more easily and never mix them up again.
  • Save Your Way: When saving from a Quantify/Feed with dashboard filters in place, you decide—save them or not. Your call.
  • No More Duplicates: Dashboard filters won’t get duplicated when updating Quantify/Feed. One set of filters is all you need.

Shipped Dynamic Custom Prompts

We’ve leveled up your feedback analysis with Dynamic Custom Prompts that know what you need—without you having to ask.

Let's use the example above. Say you're digging into something like Audio issues, our smart Custom Prompts appear right when you click into the modal, giving you a head start on analysis.

In this Audio keyword example you'll see prompts like:

  • Analyze user challenges with Audio: Break down key patterns in feedback and group them into recurring themes.
  • Summarize negative feedback: Quickly highlight common complaints like connection drops and missing audio.
  • Generate actionable recommendations: Get smart suggestions on how to tackle the issues users are facing.

These prompts help you dive straight into problem-solving without missing a beat, making feedback analysis smoother and more efficient.

Unified Fields on feedback records

We’ve cleaned up your view of feedback records by showing Unified Metadata Fields (when you hide the original fields). No more confusion—just clear, merged feedback.

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September 2024

Week of September 23rd 2024

Rolled out the Google My Business Integration

Effortlessly unlock powerful insights from your Google My Business reviews. Enterpret's integration automatically translates reviews into English and applies advanced machine learning to detect key themes and topics. Dive deeper into your feedback by combining taxonomy-based analysis with product usage stats, customer demographics, and more. Stay ahead with real-time alerts on sudden review spikes, and make data-driven decisions to boost your business' rating and solve customer pain points.


  • Seamless one-click integration
  • Enriched reviews with Enterpret's highly accurate taxonomy
  • Supports 70+ languages
  • Analyze and visualize reviews by rating, user demographics, and trends

Expanded User Roles to provide greater control

Enterpret Admins are able to customize default user roles: Admins, Editors, Members, and Viewers for greater control. Here’s a quick breakdown:

  • Admins: Full access! Admins can not only edit but also control the data flowing into Enterpret and manage user access.
  • Editors: Control the insights game. Editors own the Taxonomy and metadata management to streamline insight creation. They don’t handle users or data.
  • Members: Insight consumers who can create their own artifacts and subscribe to reports but don’t have control over the Taxonomy or metadata.
  • Viewers: Read-only access. They can view and consume reports, but no artifact creation here.
Image showing synced user and accounts
September 2024

Week of September 16th 2024

Improved Quantify Denominator for Greater Consistency

We’ve streamlined the Quantify denominator experience, ensuring that it now behaves in line with user expectations as they modify the Quantify Filter. The denominator only diverges when manually adjusted, creating a more consistent and intuitive experience for users.

Released Transparent Error Messages on File Uploads

Error messages have been updated to be more specific when uploading files, moving away from vague "something went wrong" notices. Now, errors clearly pinpoint the issue, like "Record on line 89: wrong number of fields," helping you fix problems faster.

Enhanced Pie Chart UX for Smoother Quantify Interactions

Pie charts were previously locked to Percentage calculations in Quantify, which confused users when the tab became disabled for Count calculations. We shipped an updated that allows the Pie Chart tab to stay active even for Count calculations, updating the Quantify experience for greater clarity.

Image showing synced user and accounts
September 2024

Week of September 9th 2024

Added Exclude Filters in Query Builder

Crafting queries just got more precise. Users can now exclude all or any of a list of text fields when building queries, allowing for more targeted searches and refined data analysis.

Introducing Permissions

Admins now have exclusive control over creating and disabling integrations, ensuring a more secure and streamlined workflow. This change marks the beginning of a broader user-role update, giving teams the confidence that only authorized users can make critical changes.

Permission Changes -Integration Management

Creating and disabling integration is now restricted to admins. Previously, this was accessible to all users. This is the first step of a wider user-role update and rollout.

Image showing synced user and accounts
September 2024

Week of September 2nd 2024

Enabled Calculations for Feedback Record Plot

We’ve expanded the capabilities of the “Feedback Records” plot. You can now customize calculations beyond just the count of feedback. This helps us empower actions on top of customer interactions for all users by giving you the flexibility to analyze feedback data in a way that serves your needs.

Enhanced Discord Integration Configuration

Our Discord integration just got smoother. We’ve improved the setup process more transparent so users can easily configure private channels on their first try. This improvement is aligned with transforming unstructured customer interactions into objective customer insights, by making sure you have the right channels configured for rich, actionable feedback.

Refined On-Hover Menu for Reasons

We’ve cleaned up the on-hover menu for Reasons, streamlining it by prioritizing the most critical calls to action. This update supports our goal to Make Enterpret accessible everywhere for everyone, by ensuring a more intuitive and efficient user experience.

Image showing synced user and accounts
August 2024

Week of August 26th 2024

New! Chorus + Enterpret Integration: Unlock comprehensive customer insights

Combine the power of Chorus's conversational intelligence with Enterpret's unified customer feedback analytics to achieve a holistic view of your customers. This integration seamlessly bridges the gap between product and sales insights, leveraging Chorus's ability to capture customer interactions during sales calls and Enterpret's capability to integrate comprehensive feedback from all touch points. Together, they empower a deeper understanding of customer sentiments, key moments, and competitive insights. Learn more about the integration

Enhanced Quantify Builder interface for clarity

We've refined the Quantify Builder interface by improving the copy and removing unnecessary clutter. The term "Show Me" has been replaced with "Plot," providing clearer guidance and reducing ambiguity for new users.

Added a summary loader to Wisdom for enhanced experience

Now, users can see a progress bar and a percentage value while Wisdom processes Custom Prompts. This feature provides transparency and keeps users informed throughout the process.

Enabled stop functionality for Custom Prompts

Users now have the ability to stop a query even before the response starts streaming. This enhancement offers more control and flexibility during interactions with Wisdom.

Increased transparency in Wisdom responses

We now explicitly highlight the data used to generate a Wisdom response, offering greater transparency and helping users trust and understand the insights provided.

Refined PII Tags for enhanced focus

We've made PII (Personally Identifiable Information) tags more subtle to help users concentrate on the content of customer feedback without distractions.

Simplified Compare tooltip for clarity

We have cleaned up the on-hover tooltip in the Compare feature to reduce clutter and emphasize the most relevant information.

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