Enterpret for PRoduct Teams

Drive product improvements and solve customer pain

Transform unstructured user feedback into insights that drive revenue
Trusted by customer-led product companies
Prioritize your roadmap confidently

The system of intelligence for all customer feedback ensures you build the right things first.
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Quantify each customer pain
....across all channels and languages, updated in real-time.
Accuracy you can rely on
Customer specific models which adapt with your product. No more inaccurate and expensive manual tagging.
Synced audiences
Integrate with tools for event analytics, user cohorts, feature flags.

Iterate quickly post launch
The system of intelligence for all customer feedback ensures you build the right things first.
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Rapid Identification
Quickly identify and easily visualize emerging trends or anomalies in user feedback.
Investigate through self serve analytics
Don't be blocked on customer success or support teams to get feedback on recent launches.
Respond to product quality issues faster
The system of intelligence for all customer feedback ensures you build the right things first.
Get Started
Auto discovery of issues
Continuously discover granular reasons for new customer feedback.
Extremely fast and proactive
Get notified wherever you want as soon as an anomaly happens.
Before Enterpret, organizing research data took an entire day. Now, research synthesis is 83% faster - it takes just 15 minutes to pull the data and another 15 minutes to start synthesizing. Enterpret removes the manual work, allowing me to focus on strategic thinking with a clear mind.
Mike McNasby
User Research Lead, Descript
The big win-win is our VoC program enabled us to leverage our engineering resources to ship significantly awesome and valuable features while minimizing bug fixes and" keep the lights on" work. Magnifying and focusing on the 20% that causes the impact is like finding the needle in a haystack, especially when you have issues coming from all over the place
Abishek Viswanathan
CPO, Apollo.io
With Enterpret powering Voice of Customer we're democratizing feedback and making it accessible for everyone across product, customer success, marketing, and leadership to provide evidence and add credibility to their strategies and roadmaps.
Michael Nguyen
Head of Research Ops and Insights, Figma
Enterpret has transformed our ability to use feedback to prioritize customers and drive product innovation. By using Enterpret to centralize our data, it saves us time, eliminates manual tagging, and boosts accuracy. We now gain near real-time insights, measure product success, and easily merge feedback categories. Enterpret's generative AI technology has streamlined our processes, improved decision-making, and elevated customer satisfaction
Nathan Yoon
Business Operations, Apollo.io
Enterpret helps us have a holistic view from our social media coverage, to our support tickets, to every single interaction that we're plugging into it. Beyond just keywords, we can actually understand: what are the broader sentiments? What are our users saying?
Emma Auscher
Global VP of Customer Experience, Notion
As a PM, I want to prioritize work that benefits as many of our customers as possible. It can be too easy to prioritize based on the loudest customer or the flavor of the moment. Because Enterpret is able to compress information across all of our qualitative feedback sources, I can make decisions that are more likely to result in positive outcomes for the customer and our business.
Duncan Stewart
Product Manager
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