What a month November was! We launched some significant features in November to improve the experience and capability of the platform.

Metadata Management

You've got lots of metadata coming in from different sources. It can be tough to keep track of everything and even tougher to make sense of everything. That's where Manage Metadata comes in. It's a single point of reference where you can view and manage all the metadata you receive. You can rename fields to make them more understandable, mark important fields to highlight them, and merge similar fields from different sources. With Manage Metadata, you'll be able to make sense of your metadata and make better decisions about your feedback. Learn more here.

⌘+K to find all your Saved Items

Welcome to Saved Items! Our new and improved Saved Items feature allows you to access your analyses from one central location. No more searching through different menus or tabs - simply press ⌘+K or click the “Saved Items” icon on the left navbar to find everything you need. Learn more here.

Save and Share Searches

You can now save your Searches and seamlessly share them with your team! Plus, you can make your Saved Searches discoverable making it easy for your teammates to find and build on your queries.

Insights are more powerful when shared, we hope that this change will make the journey of sharing insights with your teammates easier.

Survey Question Answering

At Enterpret, we know how crucial it is to identify and leverage customer wins AND losses. That's why we proudly present Filter By Question: an easy way to take a magnifying glass-level look into your survey feedback! Just select the question you'd like answered in our query builder - whereupon all relevant data will be revealed pronto!

Thread Feedback Card Improvements

We've completely revamped the feedback card system to make your interactions with Discourse, emails, and other thread-like sources more transparent – now you can easily see what message was used for predictions plus its context all in one glance! No more hunting around trying to piece it together.

We're all ears! Got any ideas or critiques that could help us knock our product out of the park? We appreciate your input, so please share – let's make this thing even better together.