Emails might just live forever. We have added email outbound to our growing list of integrations.
Slice and dice Enterpret's taxonomy or on any user property to find relevant feedback for your use-case. Stay up-to-date with feedback for your use-case with feedback alerts on Email. For any feedback alert, configure the outbound channel as a collection of emails, set up a schedule and the right amount of feedback - and we will do the rest.
Semantic Search on Analysis
We do our best job to make the taxonomy as comprehensive as possible - but we are bound to miss a few use cases. No worries - semantic search is to the rescue.
Simply search for your case - and see aggregates like how the sentiment is trending, what reasons feedback is being given for, what are the features being mentioned, and how.
Fixes and Improvements
- The normalization view for the stacked bar chart was not summing up to 100.
- See the list of dashboards an analysis is referring to. Add analysis to a dashboard directly from the analysis.
- Resetting changes in the querybuilder wasn't resetting analysis.