Keeping track of every change in your feedback data can be overwhelming. That's why we initially introduced Anomaly Detection, a feature designed to help you easily spot significant deviations and uncover valuable insights!

We've listened to your feedback and are excited to announce an improvement to our Anomaly feature, making it even easier for you to uncover hidden insights in your feedback data! And the best part? It's now seamlessly integrated into Quantify!

What's new?
The improved Anomaly Detection, as part of Quantify, offers a more intuitive and streamlined experience for spotting significant deviations in your feedback data, revealing crucial information about product issues, feature impacts, marketing effectiveness, and more.

To start using the redesigned Anomaly Detection:
1. Head over to "Quantify" in the top navigation bar.
2. Create your Quantify query.
3. Select "Trends + Anomalies" from the visualization options.
4. Toggle Show Anomalies

You can customize the sensitivity of Anomaly Detection and even subscribe to anomaly reports, ensuring you stay informed about unusual patterns.

For more details and a step-by-step guide, please look at our Help Desk article on Anomaly Detection. Experience the improved Anomaly Detection now and easily uncover hidden gems within Quantify.