Metadata System Updates 60 minutes --> 15 minutes!

Updates to metadata now take 15 mins to percolate to the entire platform, instead of 60 minutes!

Metadata Management Improvements

  • Updated references to use a global user ID, allowing for consistency across data sources without needing to rename the original metadata
  • Deprecated the Common Field created by Common Name with the introduction of Unified Fields
  • Made Unified Field description mandatory to ensure all metadata fields are adequately described for better clarity and usage.

Usability Upgrades

Field Alignment

The checkbox is now moved next to the title, with an increased width for the description area, creating a unified and visually appealing interface.

Query Builder

Enhancements in the query builder now include functional arrow keys for navigating through text, making editing more intuitive and efficient.

Enhanced Global Filter Prompts on Dashboards

Editors who modify global filters on a Dashboard and attempt to close the tab without saving are now prompted to confirm if they wish to leave without saving changes. This ensures intentional navigation and prevents accidental loss of modifications.