Enhanced advanced Calculations on Quantify

Users can now apply numeric criteria to quantify data while grouping by another field. For example, users can:

  • Identify top Complaint Reasons based on the time a support agent takes to resolve conversations on Zendesk (see example in the title image)
  • Calculate the NPS by region or product area
  • Quantify the average rating for different app versions

Refined Summary Generation in Search experience

Refined Summary Generation experience in Search

The "Summarize with Wisdom" button now triggers the generation of summaries in Search. This change helps streamline the user experience by eliminating automatic summary generation, which previously caused a jittery scroll and served as a distraction.

Improved metadata management

As part of our commitment to provided the best user experience possible, we shipped the following enhancements to metadata management:

Enhanced visibility control: Managing visibility of data fields is now more intuitive with a one-click toggle available directly from the metadata management table.

Data insights: New metrics display the total number of unique values for a field and its coverage, available in the metadata detail drawer.

Case-insensitive search: The search functionality within the metadata management table is now case-insensitive, allowing for a smoother user search experience.