New in Enterpret! Get instant insights with Search Summaries.

Enterpret’s new Search Summaries provide instant and rich customer feedback summaries to help product teams answer their most important questions and take action on feedback, fast!

New Search Experience

Now when you generate a Search you’ll experience:

  • High-level summary of large volumes of customer feedback in seconds
  • Insights are grounded in customer feedback with annotations. No hallucinations here!
  • Dig in deeper with a few clicks

Explore Search Summaries

Start by executing a Search; this can be done by creating a query or by using a recommended Tracked Keyword or Feedback Reason.

Once the Search is run you’ll get a Summary of your feedback with insights. Every insight is annotated with citations so you can dive deep into the underlying feedbacl immediately.

Let's see it in action with this example in Zoom’s demo instance where we investigate the feedback around Improvements:

Want to dig into the insights?

Once the Summary is generated you can click on Open Top Reasons in Quantify . This will bring you to the Quantify Page where you can dig in deeper and visualize trends and anomalies.

Have feedback about the new experience?

Use the 👍 or 👎 what you love or want us to improve!

Bug Fixes and Improvements

  • Updated Message Alignment and Icons: Enhanced the alignment of user/agent messages in feedback records. Also introduced new icons to easily distinguish between user messages and agent messages.
  • Streamlined Feedback Sharing: Introduced a more convenient method to export and share feedback. Users can now simply click on the 3-dot menu in any list for quick access.
  • Optimized Reason Merging: Now, when merging Reasons, helpful suggestions for the new Reason’s name are displayed. Users can choose from a list that includes the names of the Reasons being merged, along with an AI-generated name based on the selected Reasons.
  • Improved User Invites: Updated the user invite feature to display a dropdown of valid domains. This activates while typing a colleague's email address, facilitating easier invites to Enterpret.