Supercharging speed and performance with our latest optimizations

Maximizing performance! See the decline in average response type of different Queries in Enterpret

Over the last week, we've released a series of performance improvements to deliver speed and efficiency you expect and need out of Enterpret. Here's what's new:

Optimized Synced User and Account Transformations

Precomputed the user-account-record transformations and stored them in Snowflake. By doing this upfront, we've eliminated the need for these transformations during query time. The result? Faster queries and a smoother user experience.

Revamped Query filtering logic

Reimagined our AND and NOT query filtering logic. This overhaul slashes the number of partitions loaded on Snowflake, meaning your data retrieval is now quicker and more efficient. Less waiting, more doing.

Improved Feedback Fetch Response Time

Turbocharged the response time for fetching users, accounts, and records from Citadel. This enhancement cuts down latency across all feedback fetch operations, so you get the data you need, right when you need it.

Upgraded Performance for Quantify

Unleashed a major performance upgrade for Quantify. Queries that filter by Keywords and Group by Reasons (and vice versa) are now lightning fast. This upgrade means faster insights and more powerful analysis, driving better decisions at every turn

These performance improvements that make the Enterpret experience significantly faster in these key areas

  • Queries for User and Account integrations
  • Queries for large volumes of Tracked Keyword or Reason filters
  • Queries that look at very high cardinality metadata fields