Improved CSV Importer experience for more control over feedback in Enterpret

We've made a few enhancements to our CSV Importer to improve the experience when teams are uploading feedback and help optimize uploaded data for our models.

Here's what's new:

  • Choose Feedback Date field (column which represents when the feedback was uploaded)
  • Choose Feedback ID field (column which helps us uniquely identifying feedback)
  • Remove or Edit column names
  • Specifically select feedback fields and metadata fields.

Once a field is selected as the feedback field, we validate it against our system and possibly suggest a different alternative that can help our model create better Reasons and Tracked Keywords. Users can also open up sample feedback sidebar against that feedback field to feel how feedbacks would look like. Read our Help Center to learn how to use the CSV Importer.

Rename Compare Filters for better context and analysis on charts and dashboards

We shipped an usability update to make using Compare Filters more intuitive. Now, you can rename the Filters to set better context on Charts and Dashboards!

Export Charts and data from a Dashboard for easier sharing

Sharing individual Charts from Dashboards just got easier. Now when you are in any Dashboard, click the vertical menu on any Chart to easily export it as an image or download the table or feedback data behind it.