We shipped some UX improvements for better visibility into data at a glance and more intuitive filtering as well as a few improvements to our Slack and Discord Integrations and SSO improvements. Here's a quick snapshot:

Dashboard and Chart UX Improvements:

  • Introduced timestamps to Anomaly Charts on Dashboards
  • Added 14 day (14D) as a new preset for dates to better represent product development workflows
  • Improved visibility into bar chart data on Dashboards
  • Introduced new transcript previews on audio recording feedback cards for easy scanning
  • Added email auto-complete to Dashboard and Search Report Subscriptions
  • Updated Feedback Card transcript interaction for better usability

Slack and Discord Integration Updates

  • Incorporated nudges in Slack and Discord Integration Page to show when no channels are connected

SSO Improvements

  • Enhanced SSO de-provisioning

Read on for more details on everything that shipped in Enterpret the week of October 9th!

Introduced timestamps to Anomaly Charts on Dashboards

We’ve added a header to clearly communicate what time window (day/week/month) an Anomaly is appearing.

Added 14D (14 days) as a new preset for dates to better represent product development workflows

Many product teams are building in 2-week cycles or "sprints" (like us 😄). We've added a new 14-day filter across Enterpret to better represent how teams want to view and analyze their feedback and data.

Better visibility into bar chart data on Dashboards

We’ve added a banner to bar charts to shows how many Reasons, Keywords, or Metadata fields are represented on Quantify Chart when added to a Dashboard.

New transcript previews on audio recording feedback cards for easy scanning

When a user searches for some “text”, or when there's summary to show upfront on an audio recording feedback card, we’ll show a snippet of the transcript instead.

Added email auto-complete to Dashboard and Search Report Subscriptions

We now have auto-complete suggestions when subscribing or adding people to a Dashboard or Saved Search Reports.

Updated Feedback Card transcript interaction for better usability

We’ve added visual distinctions (different shades) for clearer visibility and an X icon to help users dismiss the transcript.

Incorporated nudges in Slack or Discord Integration Page to show when no channels are connected

We’ve improved the workflow for our Slack and Discord integrations in two ways:

  • If there’s an integration with no channels added, we show a notification
  • Upon redirecting back from Slack/Discord after authenticating, we open up the flow to add channels

Enhanced SSO de-provisioning

We’ve improved our Okta SSO de-provisioning to also include the user unassigned from app event. Previously for a tenant with Okta SSO, a user was off-boarded from Enterpret only if they were removed or deactivated. Now, they can also be off-boarded by just revoking their access to Enterpret from Okta.