Your Product Vision is just a pretty phrase unless you consistently execute the vision

Varun Sharma
Co-founder, CEO
February 1, 2023

Let’s rewind the clock to the mid-2010s. Product Analytics was a fast-growing and highly competitive category. There were multiple well-funded and fast-growing companies with a similar vision to ‘help companies build better products.’

While most of the companies found Product Market Fit as they were solving a genuine customer need, what happened next was a great validation of why execution against the product vision is all that matters. Some Product Analytics companies chasing the same vision went wide in building out messaging/ A/B testing, surveys, etc. Amplitude kept its laser focus on solving customer pain on its core offering by iterating on its core Product Analytics offering until it had established a clear lead as the dominant Product Analytics company. In 2021, it ended up being the first company in its category of Product Analytics company to go public.

As the title eludes - Your Product Vision is just a pretty phrase unless you consistently execute the vision.

First off, why even have a product vision?

Because it genuinely matters to have a guiding north star. A product vision provides your team with a common reference point as they move forward, creating a shared understanding of how your product will serve your company vision and customer needs.

Tactically, a product vision is a short statement that captures your product’s purpose, the problems it will solve, and the goals it will achieve in the future. 

In a list of 10 product vision principles, product manager Matt Andrews recommends “Start with why” at the very top. Your customers are your purpose. Their challenges are exactly what your product hopes to solve. That’s the starting point for a clear product vision.

As an example: Asana’s product vision is, “In the future, anyone can prioritize their day across all of their apps in Asana.” They’ve crafted a vision that speaks to how their product will address common frustrations with workplace management software.

Alright, you got your Product Vision down. Now what? 

Three ways to ensure excellent execution leveraging customer insights:

1. Marry Quantitative and Qualitative Data to understand the complete picture

Every investment you make in your product is a tradeoff. Each time you roll out one feature, you consciously choose not to address something else. Not only that, but you’re also committing to maintaining and improving on that bet over time.

To confidently make the right product investment decisions, you need to understand both the critical actions users take in your product and understand the patterns of feedback emerging in different feedback channels.

Manually tagging feedback with categories is technically possible, but it’s way too time-consuming, laborious, and ultimately unreliable for critical decision-making. 

When it comes to analysis and decision making, you end up consuming curated insights in a PowerPoint or are riddled with recency bias, the Senior most executive’s opinion, and even confirmation bias. You need to learn from customer feedback, not customer support feedback!

The right way to do this is to have a ground truth analytics system that unifies all of your relevant feedback sources and allows you to prioritize product investments confidently. So this way, it’s less of ‘I feel Enterprise users would value X integration more’ but more of ‘let’s see what the data says for most requested integration by Enterprise users’.

Respond to Product Quality issues faster - much faster!

Shipping continuous product improvements is table stakes now for any product organization that is even moderately ambitious. However, with that beautiful bouquet come the thorns of bugs and product quality issues that happen in every new release.

The best product development organizations keep a very high bar on product quality and are prompt in detecting and fixing these issues whenever they happen. Similar to how you have error monitoring set up through tools like Sentry or Datadog, you need a system that detects product quality issues emerging in customer feedback and notifies your team.

In the example below, we can see that a product quality issue of “Unable to Change Name” has spiked from a flatlined 0 to 4 within a week— issues like these merit notification and timely investigation.

Build hypotheses for experiments rooted in an insight

All good strategy is rooted in insight. Similarly, all successful experiments are rooted in a hypothesis informed by customer insight.

At Enterpret, during our early product-building days, one of our design partners was a consumer marketplace company. Using Enterpret, they noticed that there had been a new issue with consumers asking for the character limit to be removed from one of the core text boxes - their frustration was that they were not able to describe their needs adequately within the given character limit.

This feedback was new and surprising to them at the time. So, as an experiment, instead of just increasing the character limit, they ran an A/B test to see if consumers would be willing to pay a small one-time fee for a higher character limit on the core text box and if and how that would affect their conversion rate to the critical purchase event. 

As it turned out, people were willing to pay a little bit more for a larger text limit (those who had the need), and it did not negatively affect the overall conversion rate to the critical purchase event. 

These kinds of hypotheses would have never occurred to the team on their own. While not all growth experiments are successful, those that are successful are rooted in genuine customer insight.

Don’t let your customer insights rot away - set up the right infrastructure to leverage them effectively.

Your product vision is incredibly important. It is the guiding north star for your entire team on why they come to work every day. But, having a product vision is meaningless unless you have a plan to execute it consistently and ruthlessly over a long period of time.

While your product vision could remain the same for years, your execution needs to be nimble to the pull of the market and the needs of your customers. Leveraging customer insights to accurately inform product prioritization, responding quickly to product quality issues, and finding hidden gems as hypotheses for growth experiments is the right way to ensure high retention and monetization of your customer base along the journey.

At Enterpret, we live and breathe this stuff every day, helping product organizations of all shapes and sizes leverage customer insights along their journey to execute their product vision.

Feel free to reach out to us if you’d like to learn more.

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Wisdom saves me hours every week. With 'Summarize with Wisdom,' I can condense feedback with a single click, replacing the tedious process of reading through hundreds of tickets. It’s life-changing!
Jil McKinney
Director of Customer Support, Descript
Before Enterpret, organizing research data took an entire day. Now, research synthesis is 83% faster - it takes just 15 minutes to pull the data and another 15 minutes to start synthesizing. Enterpret removes the manual work, allowing me to focus on strategic thinking with a clear mind.
Mike McNasby
User Research Lead, Descript
We are laser-focused on giving customers more than they expect through a hospitality-first, individualized approach to drive retention and loyalty. Enterpret has allowed us to stitch together a full picture of the customer, including feedback and reviews from multiple data points. We now can super-serve our loyal customers in a way that we have never been able to before.
Anna Esrov
Vice President of Customer Experience & Loyalty
Enterpret allowed us to listen to specific issues and come closer to our Members - prioritizing feedback which needed immediate attention, when it came to monitoring reception of new releases: Enterpret picked up insights for new updates and became the eyes of whether new systems and functionality were working well or not.
Louise Sellars
Analyst, Customer Insights
Enterpret is one of the most powerful tools in our toolkit. It's very Member-friendly. We've been able to share how other teams can modify and self-serve in Enterpret. It's bridged a gap to getting access to Member feedback, and I see all our teams finding ways to use Enterpret to answer Member-related questions.
Dina Mohammad-Laity
VP of Data
The big win-win is our VoC program enabled us to leverage our engineering resources to ship significantly awesome and valuable features while minimizing bug fixes and" keep the lights on" work. Magnifying and focusing on the 20% that causes the impact is like finding the needle in a haystack, especially when you have issues coming from all over the place
Abishek Viswanathan
Since launching our Voice of Customer program six months ago, our team has dropped our human inquiry rate by over 40%, improved customer satisfaction, and enabled our team to allocate resources to building features that increase LTV and revenue.
Abishek Viswanathan
Enterpret's Gong Integration is a game changer on so many levels. The automated labeling of feedback saves dozens of hours per week. This is essential in creating a customer feedback database for analytics.
Michael Bartimer
Revenue Operations Lead
Enterpret has made it so much easier to understand our customer feedback. Every month I put together a Voice of Customer report on feedback trends. Before Enterpret it would take me two weeks - with Enterpret I can get it done in 3 days.
Maya Bakir
Product Operations, Notion
The Enterpret platform is like the hero team of data analysts you always wanted - the ability to consolidate customer feedback from diverse touch points and identify both ongoing and emerging trends to ensure we focus on and build the right things has been amazing. We love the tools and support to help us train the results to our unique business and users and the Enterpret team is outstanding in every way.
Larisa Sheckler
COO, Samsung Food
Enterpret makes it easy to understand and prioritize the most important feedback themes. Having data organized in one place, make it easy to dig into the associated feedback to deeply understand the voice of customer so we can delight users, solve issues, and deliver on the most important requests.
Lauren Cunningham
Head of Support and Ops
With Enterpret powering Voice of Customer we're democratizing feedback and making it accessible for everyone across product, customer success, marketing, and leadership to provide evidence and add credibility to their strategies and roadmaps.
Michael Nguyen
Head of Research Ops and Insights, Figma
Boll & Branch takes pride in being a data driven company and Enterpret is helping us unlock an entirely new source of data. Enterpret quantifies our qualitative data while still keeping customer voice just a click away, adding valuable context and helping us get a more complete view of our customers.
Matheson Kuo
Senior Product Analyst, Boll & Branch
Enterpret has transformed our ability to use feedback to prioritize customers and drive product innovation. By using Enterpret to centralize our data, it saves us time, eliminates manual tagging, and boosts accuracy. We now gain near real-time insights, measure product success, and easily merge feedback categories. Enterpret's generative AI technology has streamlined our processes, improved decision-making, and elevated customer satisfaction
Nathan Yoon
Business Operations,
Enterpret helps us have a holistic view from our social media coverage, to our support tickets, to every single interaction that we're plugging into it. Beyond just keywords, we can actually understand: what are the broader sentiments? What are our users saying?
Emma Auscher
Global VP of Customer Experience, Notion
The advantage of Enterpret is that we’re not relying entirely on human categorization. Enterpret is like a second brain that is looking out for themes and trends that I might not be thinking about.
Misty Smith
Head of Product Operations, Notion
As a PM, I want to prioritize work that benefits as many of our customers as possible. It can be too easy to prioritize based on the loudest customer or the flavor of the moment. Because Enterpret is able to compress information across all of our qualitative feedback sources, I can make decisions that are more likely to result in positive outcomes for the customer and our business.
Duncan Stewart
Product Manager
We use Enterpret for our VoC & Root Cause Elimination Program. It's helping us solve the issues of aggregating disparate sources of feedback (often tens of thousands per month) and distilling it into specific reasons, with trends, so we can see if our product fixes are delivering impact.
Nathan Yoon
Business Operations,